The bassinet.
If you’re not co-sleeping, baby will need a place to catch some shuteye. Rather than bring in all the nursery furniture, try a bassinet. Look for a bassinet that fits with the aesthetic of the rest of your space. Something with clean simple design will take up little physical and visual space in your room. Consider a rocking mechanism, so you can reach over and rock baby back to sleep, if needed. In terms of floor plan, place the bassinet near your bed, so you can rock baby or pick her up without leaving your cozy bed.
The rocking chair.
There will be times when you will need to get up to change and feed your little one. So, consider adding a rocking chair to your master. Again, focus on clean, slim designs. Something with enough sophistication to match your room, but the comfort and function you need to snuggle up with your newborn. And, choose a chair that can either stay in your room after your baby moves out, or can transition into the nursery or other shared living space.
The storage.
You’ll need a place to keep diapering supplies, baby clothes and a few other essentials close at hand. You can use one of your dresser drawers, or add a couple bins or baskets to your room. Trust us, in the middle of the night, that 10 foot trek to the nursery for the twentieth time will be more than you’ll want to endure.
Sleeping with your little bundle of joy in your own bedroom can really help ease the transition into parenthood. Before you know it, your baby will be sleeping in a big boy’s room or a big girl’s room, and you’ll miss these early days, so make sure you stop to enjoy it. Share your ideas with us at #CrateKidsStyle.