Athena Calderone’s Top 5 Tips for Socially Distant Christmas Celebrations + Athena’s Kitchen Zoom Background
Because it’s 2020 and even celebrated lifestyle experts are having to pivot their holiday plans, Athena Calderone offers her tips and tricks for navigating this holiday season. From Zoom cooking parties to long-distance cookie swaps, Athena’s inspired ideas are a reminder that, while 2020 definitely has its challenges, there are still lots of ways to make the holidays merry and bright.
1. Music brings people together. It is not only an uplifting experience but also a unifying one. Create a Spotify or Apple music playlist and send a link to everyone in your family so that you can all engage in the same musical experience. Or, make a collaborative playlist so everyone can add their favorite songs.
2. I have always said that food is the greatest common denominator, but one might argue that food has the heart-opening power of connection—even when experienced from afar. Choose a dish that has become synonymous with your family and send the recipe to everyone who would normally be seated at your table. Be sure to make it an easy dish and share all of the ingredients and kitchen gadgets that are needed in advance. Choose a time for everyone to come together over Zoom to cook and prepare the meal together.
3. If you plan to cook and eat your holiday dinner with immediate family, perhaps plan after-dinner cocktails with a group of your friends over FaceTime. It can be a nice way recap with a nightcap as you share your holiday with your nearest and dearest.
4. I have become known to walk outside my door with clippers in my hand to forage in the yard for my holiday tabletop decor. Have a forage-off with friends—have everyone head outdoors to clip their favorite “something” (this can be a leaf, a pine branch, a dried pod, an herb) then use whatever they can find in the home or refrigerator (twine, old ribbon, kitchen twine, oranges, pomegranate) to get crafty and creative with what they discovered both in nature and indoors. Then, display your creation as a fun Christmas centerpiece.
5. Make a cookie, share a cookie. Make your favorite holiday cookie and send a small batch to someone in your family in a cute holiday tin. If everyone engages, then you create a cyclical cookie trade so everyone has at least two different holiday cookies—the one they made, and the one that was sent to them!