Colorblock Purple and Orange Large Kids Backpack with Side Pockets
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Colorblock Purple and Orange Large Kids Backpack with Side Pockets
SKU: 117093
Part of a Collection
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3 just-right sizes
Fits children
48" and taller.
Ages 7+
Fits children
43"—49" tall.
Ages 5-7
Fits children
38"—43" tall.
Ages 3-5
what fits inside
a small backpack
- Stuffed Animal
- Water bottle
- Paper
- Change of clothes
- Picture books
- Crayons
Shop All Small Backpacks
what fits inside
a medium backpack
- Folders
- Water bottle
- Books
- Change of clothes
- Pencil Case
- Tablet or laptop
Shop All Medium Backpacks
what fits inside
a large backpack
- Lunch box
- Water bottle
- Pencil case
- Change of clothes
- Notebooks
- Tablet or laptop
Shop All Large Backpacks
Our durable backpacks and lunch boxes each weave up to 10
recycled plastic bottles into their fun, fade-resistant fabrics.
explore backpacks and more
what fits inside
a small backpack
- Stuffed animal
- Picture books
- Water bottle
- Change of clothes
- Crayons
- Paper
Shop All Small Backpacks
what fits inside
a medium backpack
- Folders
- Water bottle
- Books
- Change of clothes
- Pencil Case
- Tablet or laptop
Shop All Medium Backpacks
what fits inside
a large backpack
- Lunch box
- Water bottle
- Pencil case
- Change of clothes
- Notebooks
- Tablet or laptop
Shop All Large Backpacks
From bottles to backpacks
Plastic bottles get new life in the fabric
of each lunch box and backpack.
Colorblock Green and Blue Large Kids Backpack with Side Pockets
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